Protection, restauration, finition
Un service quotidien
Des meubles vivants
Grâce à la protection de la finition huilée de nos meubles, leur entretien est très simple au quotidien.

Leathers and fabrics :
We offer a fabric and leather replacement service for owners of Chapo furniture.
We offer a wide range of colors if you want to replace some of your elements
Maintenance :
Whether it is before a major restoration or a simple maintenance, it is essential to remove the stigmas of everyday life from their surfaces. To do this, simply use: A basin, warm water and dish soap, a sponge with a "green side" Clean, wash, rub in the direction of the wood, do not be afraid to wet. Rinse well and several times.
(For furniture with leather or canvas elements, taking it of is necessary.)
Repair :
Once or twice a year if he needs a little "moumoutage" gives him a new lease of life. After washing and "drying a few hours" comes the time for oiling.
The two stages of oiling are "moumoutage" and wiping.
Le moumoutage : Prepare in an airtight jar type jam jar, a mixture of 50% linseed oil and 50% turpentine oil. Apply the mixture with a brush and / or an abrasive sponge for light sanding. Thoroughly impregnate the wooden surfaces of your furniture, let the wood drink as much as it needs, sometimes it takes 2 or 3 applications. When sanding, always do it in the direction of the wood.
Wiping : When your furniture no longer wants to absorb the oil: Wipe off the excess and let dry. It is best to rub the piece of furniture with a paper towel, and this, several times, your paper should no longer be greasy on contact with the wood.
"Warning Risk of Fires" Before disposing of them, wet the used greasy wiping papers.
Si il y a présence de brûlures, coups et blessures, tâches noires « rouille », partie décollée, etc… la rubrique chirurgie est faite pour vous.
Protection, restauration, finition
Un service quotidien
Des meubles vivants
Grâce à la protection de la finition huilée de nos meubles, leur entretien est très simple au quotidien.

Leathers and fabrics :
We offer a fabric and leather replacement service for owners of Chapo furniture.
We offer a wide range of colors if you want to replace some of your elements
Maintenance :
Whether it is before a major restoration or a simple maintenance, it is essential to remove the stigmas of everyday life from their surfaces. To do this, simply use: A basin, warm water and dish soap, a sponge with a "green side" Clean, wash, rub in the direction of the wood, do not be afraid to wet. Rinse well and several times.
(For furniture with leather or canvas elements, taking it of is necessary.)
Repair :
Once or twice a year if he needs a little "moumoutage" gives him a new lease of life. After washing and "drying a few hours" comes the time for oiling.
The two stages of oiling are "moumoutage" and wiping.
Le moumoutage : Prepare in an airtight jar type jam jar, a mixture of 50% linseed oil and 50% turpentine oil. Apply the mixture with a brush and / or an abrasive sponge for light sanding. Thoroughly impregnate the wooden surfaces of your furniture, let the wood drink as much as it needs, sometimes it takes 2 or 3 applications. When sanding, always do it in the direction of the wood.
Wiping : When your furniture no longer wants to absorb the oil: Wipe off the excess and let dry. It is best to rub the piece of furniture with a paper towel, and this, several times, your paper should no longer be greasy on contact with the wood.
"Warning Risk of Fires" Before disposing of them, wet the used greasy wiping papers.
Si il y a présence de brûlures, coups et blessures, tâches noires « rouille », partie décollée, etc… la rubrique chirurgie est faite pour vous.
Surgery :
Is very precise art CHAPO furniture are living things that you shouldn't do "just anything" with.
Hits and wounds :
Simple bumps and wounds can very well be recovered by re-swelling wood with water, a mop cloth and an iron. Proceed with delicacy and as precisely as possible. Wood has an incredible ability to regain its shape after being crushed by simple re-inflation. Be careful not to burn the wood, it is better that there is too much water than not enough.
Wine and rust stains :
Là nous abordons la chimie, certains bois ne réagissent pas comme les autres. La rouille et les taches de vin ne sont pas aussi violentes et difficiles à enlever sur l’orme que sur le chêne. Antirouilles, acide phosphorique ou autre à appliquer au coton tige sur les taches jusqu’à disparition. Bien rincer a l’eau.
Burns :
Very serious and almost incurable problem. The wood that is no longer there, or the charcoal that replaces it, can only be: Camouflaged, faded by washing and applying shellac in the gap previously cleaned of all traces of black or brown burns. A little sanding and oiling should follow.
Scratches :
Scar more or less deep This must be sanded or scratched and sanded until it disappears. Be careful not to sand on an area that is too small and that could be seen later.
Parasites :
These are to be eliminated by chemical means different anti insect treatment products are available on the market. Choose a “colorless xylophene” type product. Be careful to apply the product in a ventilated area because of the « toxic fumes ». Wash and clean before and after and re-oil after evaporation or drying of the product.

© Photo
Surgery :
Is very precise art CHAPO furniture are living things that you shouldn't do "just anything" with.
Hits and wounds :
Simple bumps and wounds can very well be recovered by re-swelling wood with water, a mop cloth and an iron. Proceed with delicacy and as precisely as possible. Wood has an incredible ability to regain its shape after being crushed by simple re-inflation. Be careful not to burn the wood, it is better that there is too much water than not enough.
Wine and rust stains :
Here we are discussing chemistry, some woods do not react like others. Rust and wine stains are not as harsh and difficult to remove on elm as they are on oak. Rust remover Phosphoric acid or other to apply with a cotton swab on the stains until disappearance. Rinse well with water.
Burns :
Very serious and almost incurable problem. The wood that is no longer there, or the charcoal that replaces it, can only be: Camouflaged, faded by washing and applying shellac in the gap previously cleaned of all traces of black or brown burns. A little sanding and oiling should follow.
Scratches :
Scar more or less deep This must be sanded or scratched and sanded until it disappears. Be careful not to sand on an area that is too small and that could be seen later.
Parasites :
These are to be eliminated by chemical means different anti insect treatment products are available on the market. Choose a “colorless xylophene” type product. Be careful to apply the product in a ventilated area because of the « toxic fumes ». Wash and clean before and after and re-oil after evaporation or drying of the product.

Table T 22

Seat S 31

Bookshelf B 17

Bed L 07